
Monday, June 28, 2010

I heart faces: Pets

This week over at i heart faces is all about pets. Or I should say rather, animals, since it is also open to other animals than just pets. I should say that this is not my pet, but it is my mother-in-laws.  She loves her horses, whereas they freak me out.  I don't know why, they just do.  So I never get close enough to them to take good pictures of them as there is always a fence in the way.  So, I decided to start embracing the fence and make it part of the shot!

Head on over to i heart faces to check out more lovely pets!


  1. Oooh, I love the peeking through the fence and vignette!!!

  2. :) Great idea with the that he's playing 'peek-a-boo'!

  3. What a beautiful horse : ) Isn't it funny how different people like different animals? : ) It always amazes me.


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