
Monday, June 7, 2010

I heart faces: Play

This week's theme over at i heart faces is play. There are lots of themes where I wished I had kids to take photos of and this is sure one of them! But, I don't and I move on and I pick something.  This shot was not the shot I was trying to get.  I had the balls set up to read 12 - 1 - 8 -10 (12.18.10 - their wedding date) and was hoping that they'd partially stay together after the break.  They didn't (even after several tries), but I like this picture of them playing pool anyway.

Check out more people at play over at I heart faces!


  1. love this angle!!! what a great shot!

  2. great angle and coloring! love it!

  3. Great shot...and what a clever idea, even if it didn't work out like you'd hoped :)

  4. Love the angle! Great photo!

  5. Great capture! Love the angle.

  6. Sometimes I wish I still had little ones to take pictures of too, but I love that extra bit of creativity that we're forced into....Great concept!

  7. Who needs a kid for a great play picture! Brilliant idea! Pool! Awesome composition! I am SO glad that Angie and Amy picked you as their favorite this week! Love your picture! Congratulations!

  8. The pool idea was great and I love how you set up the shot!

  9. Congrats, Sarah for getting on the I Heart Faces site! This is just a terrific shot.


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