This is a VERY picture laden post and because of that, I am going to go backwards. Starting with today(!!!) and going all the way back to July 5 which is the next picture after the last one I posted last time!

The important part of this picture is the fact that even though we took a mini vacation, there are still work out bottles in the dishwasher. Amazing.

After dinner out with my father-in-law and brother-in-law, I had enough time for a "quick" run. And by quick, I do not mean the pace. I think two snails lapped me, but I did get to see an awesome sunset.

Happy Anniversary to the best hubby ever! This was taken on a hiking trail at a park on Lake Waco. We stopped on our way back from San Antonio so that we didn't hit rush hour. It was very nice to be out of the car and on a hike!

This was hand held. That doesn't mean much to most people, but other photogs will think it's cool. I had literally ten seconds before some people walked back in the shot. I shot it at 1/30th. I think that's the slowest shutter speed I've ever manage to hold steady.

Our suite included a dining room table that seated six. Had to take advantage and order room service. This was the rum punch that we snuck upstairs from the manager's reception (where it was free).. Yeah, we're cheap.

Packing for San Antonio. I'm such an over packer. (PS that's out guest room if anyone would like to come visit.)

We're doing soil samples of our lawn. That is if we ever do them. But they made a cute picture.

I was dead dog sick this day and for some idiotic reason I thought that a hike would be better than my run. Yeah, my name is stupid with a capital S.

No idea why I thought that this was a flattering angle when I snapped this. It was literally the only picture that even looked half way decent which is the only reason it makes in. Boo.

I won't lie. 96% of all of my POTD's from July were taken with my new iPhone 4. I love the snazzy yellow case.

Ditz and I hiking at Eagle Mountain Lake. Um, yeah, I don't know if you guys know this or not, but it's a thousand degrees here right now.

I think I could word for word write the same thing as above. Ditz and I hiking at Eagle Mountain Lake. Seriously. Two days in a row.

My two favorite magazines showed up today. I think I love Peeta even more now that I've seen the actor that's going to play him. I wasn't excited by him at first, but then I saw him dressed as Peeta and wow - I love him.

Post 3 mile run. My bondi band says "just don't be last." That is my current mantra.

I know, two photos of the day in a row of me. But this is my favorite picture of me since forever. I wish I could wear my glasses everyday. : )

My famous squash / mushroom roast. Well, famous to me anyway. My mom learned the hard way to taste something before adding seasoning to it. It doesn't look spicy, but it is.

My mom's dog Lawson. She loves my house because I give her cookies.

My mom's other dog, Atticus. He always looks best in black and white and I don't know why.

Every time we go to the FW Cats game I get lens envy over this guy. I mean seriously he has two cameras both with huge A lenses.

Hanging newly printed pictures at home. Ditz made this with the hangers. Isn't he creative.

Another picture of me. This one pre-workout.

These are seriously burning a hole in my desk drawer.

My current favorite place to run over in Euless. I don't go but maybe once every few weeks, but every time I go I remember how much I love it!

Gluten-free gift package from my mom.

17 Mile bike ride that was supposed to be 15, but I got lost for two miles because I am apparently a dork.

We were on safari... or at Cabellas.

Do you see that it says 114? It's pure and total insanity.

A chapter heading from the book I was reading. I surprise myself a lot too.

Evening bike ride where I ran into some cows. Mooooo.

Seriously, best blue sky ever.

I didn't even remember why I took this. I guess I thought I was being cool.

Picked up at the Peach Festival. The drink was gross, but at least the cup was funny.

Peach Festival in Weatherford. Might eventually do it's own post because there were some cute pictures.

I love you Potbelly. Always will.

In case you were also wondering if Chase was alive. He is or at least he was on 07.07.11

Our new grill. Totally in love.

The mirror is a new addition. It was a gift from my mother-in-law and I don't think Ditz likes it.
Wow, we made it. Or at least I did. Not sure if anyone else is still reading this! Well, now that I am caught up, I'll try not to disappear for so long next time.
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